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Focus on Artesia Spring 2024 | Cut It Out!


We know the importance of eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, exercising, and getting enough sleep, but the activities we choose to reduce or cut out altogether can have equally positive impacts. Minor adjustments to common habits influence our physical and mental health. Consider reducing these activities to create more room for better health.

Screen time.

Most of us can implement this today. Be aware of how much time you spend on electronics and what time of the day. A text message here and a scroll there can add up to several hours every day. Reducing screen time allows more space to do important things. Plus, when cut in the evening, it can promote better sleep.

Long periods of sitting.

Our bodies are made to move! While many jobs require you to stay in one spot, you can find ways to be more active, even at a desk job. Limit time sitting by substituting an exercise ball for a chair, using a standing desk, or taking regular breaks to walk. Stand up when making a phone call, or walk during lunch. These little movements add up.

Sugary beverages.

Regular consumption of sodas and energy drinks is wreaking havoc on our bodies. The average 12 oz can of soda has 40 grams of sugar (the equivalent of 10 sugar cubes). High intakes of caffeine and sugar lead to increased blood sugar levels followed closely by a crash. Save these drinks only for an occasional treat.

Stressful activities.

A packed schedule or draining activities have an incredible impact on our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. While we all have responsibilities that must be kept, there may also be commitments that need an off-ramp. Take an honest look at how your time is spent. There are likely items that can be removed from your plate.

Constant noise.

When was the last time you heard silence? I hear screaming children even as I write this. Television, news, music, traffic, podcasts, books, phones, and family create a constant state of sound. Silence can promote peace, creativity, and focus. Moments of silence can be found throughout the day by turning off music while driving, challenging the kids to an extended version of the quiet game, or taking time alone to breathe deeply.

Mindless eating.

Food can bring comfort as it is often tied to emotions. But when eating is the default for dealing with stress or even boredom, it can negatively impact our overall health. Instead of heading to the refrigerator after a hard day, try taking a shower, brushing your teeth, calling a friend, or reading a book. Find something useful to do with your hands. Be intentional about when and what you eat.

Article written by Allyson Joy and originally published in Focus on Artesia 2024 Spring edition.

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