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Focus Carlsbad Spring 2024 | Artist Spotlight: Marj Engle


In 2008, I began making “paper mosaic” art using paper from old magazines and discarded books.

I found my wooden “canvases” at thrift stores. I wanted to replicate the look of mosaic tile work with the less messy medium of paper. I also developed a line of jewelry using recycled magazines and vinyl flooring scraps that I cut by hand. At that time, I was living in Oregon where I had access to many thrift stores. Because the environment, recycling, and reuse are important to me, I decided to identify as a recycled art artist.

However, my story began long before then. I have always been an artist. At a young age, I received praise and recognition for my drawings. I loved my elective art classes in middle school and high school. I attended Liberal Arts colleges where my art training included drawing, acrylic and watercolor painting, printmaking, and ceramics. Upon graduation with a BA in Studio Arts, I opted for watercolor painting as my chosen medium.

Tree with Roots
Leaf Earrings

In the early days, while living in Saskatchewan, I entered five watercolor paintings in a local exhibit and was one of two artists selected to represent the province. Additionally, I painted for several greeting card companies and a church periodical. After taking a break to raise my daughters and work at local libraries, I returned to making art but switched out the watercolors for paper art. While in Oregon, I exhibited and sold paper art and jewelry in many juried shows and local galleries, winning several awards. Since 2013, I have run an online Etsy shop and have sold my jewelry wholesale to stores and galleries across the country.

Guadalupe Mountains

Never satisfied with the status quo, I love being creative in all areas of life and enjoy doing things my own way. Taking an idea or image and making it my own stirs my creative juices. No standard landscapes or still life work for me! My jewelry line is an example of a process I created without outside inspiration. I wanted it to be something that no one else was making which made getting my jewelry into juried shows easier. When other jewelers were rejected because the category was full, I was accepted because my work was unique. Our brains crave novelty. Patrons of my art light up at something unusual.

Sunny Agave
Giver of Life

Since returning to Carlsbad (from rainy Oregon), I have been enjoying the sunshine. I simply love being outdoors on a sunny day. Sunny Agave is the first piece I made after our move back in 2022. I do a lot of walking and hiking, and I regularly pass several huge, beautiful agave plants on my walks. Sunny Agave portrays the joy I felt on those sunny walks.

The sun is featured again in Giver of Life. We hear so many negative things about the sun, but it is essential to life. This piece is a reminder of our need for and celebration of the sun.

Agave Orbs

Regarding Agave Orbs, I have a deep interest in spirituality. I was trying to represent an unseen dimension, perhaps the beauty and spirit of the plant that is hidden from our five senses.

For those of you wanting to pursue art, look at a lot of art: books, galleries, museums, and online.

Take note of what inspires you.

Study images and imagine the technique. Classes help teach techniques, but it is also important to discover what excites and resonates with you. Practice visualization, meditate, and ask for inspiration.

Etsy: @marjengledesigns

Instagram: @marjengle

Flower Necklace

Artist spotlight featuring and written by Marjorie Engle and originally published in Focus on Carlsbad 2024 Spring edition.

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