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Making a Difference


I have been working on a bit of local history lately. This is what I love. There is something about knowing the past. Knowing what brought you to this point that just pulls at me. People tell me they consider me the historian of the county because I can usually answer their questions right away, or I know where to find out. I don’t mind that title. I like being the “Keeper of the History.” These people are needed.
Today, it seems as though we live in a nation where groups of people try every way in the world to erase our history. Especially when it does not match their narrative. We can’t do this. Attempting to erase history is dangerous. Our kids need to know our history. Even the parts we wish had not happened. I was thinking last night that if I had a super power, it would be to go back five minutes and unsay what I just said! But, just like history, whatever I said impulsively five minutes ago is out there, good or bad, and nothing can change that. Not even the desire to erase it.
I preach to my Sunday school class all the time that we need to tell our children our stories. We need to write down those important moments in our lives when we saw God work. The Bible if is great and a true blessing in our lives. It is our guidebook. Our source of comfort and strength. A true gift from God. Still, what our children also need to know is the “Gospel according to YOU!” The stories of what God has done in your life. Hearing your story of God doing something for you can be very life changing for your family.
I have written out my life story, or my “Faith Story” as a former pastor called it. I have it saved and I add to it regularly to keep it up to date and fresh. It contains wonderful stories of my salvation experience, of things my mom and dad told me, and tales of growing up the Preacher’s Kid. It also contains heartbreak and sin. It contains stories of which I am not very proud. It has stories of forgiveness and mercy. It has miracles, true miracles I have seen happen in my own life. My kids and my grandkids will not have to guess how very important my God has been in my life. (It is currently about 18 pages. It will not be read at my funeral!)
Our history is so vital to who we are today. Even those stories of which we are not very proud played a part in making us who we are today. Are you telling your stories? Do your children have a clue about your history? They should. Trust me. You don’t know how much time you have left. Share your history with your family. Write down your Faith Story. What a legacy that will be for your children and grandchildren!
We need to be about sharing our story or a life lived for God with the next generation. The most important decision anyone will ever make is that to give their heart and soul to Jesus Christ. Your story could be the deciding factor in showing your family exactly what Christ means to you. It makes a difference.

By: Gina Caswell Kelly 

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