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Making a Difference


Someone very special to me is getting married today. I could not love her more if she were my very own blood kin. A beautiful girl with a sweet heart. I woke up this morning thinking about her, and thinking about the life that led me to her. I thought about her wedding day and how very special today will be. I thought about what would be the best advice I could give her on this day.

The first best advice is this. “Unless God builds the home, they labor in vain who build it.” That is from the Psalms. What it means is unless God is the center point of the home, the home will never be all it could or should be. If God is not first in your life, nothing else will be as good as He meant it to be.

“Love is patient and kind.” This is from what is referred to as the Love Chapter in Corinthians. Patience is key. When the two become one, there should not be a battle to determine which one! Be understanding and listen. Listen with your heart to what each other is saying. Always be kind and never hateful or spiteful.

“In all things God works for the good of those who love Him.” In Romans, Paul is reminding us that no matter what happens in our marriages, or our lives, God is always working for good. Sometimes you have to look hard for the good. And this is true with each other. Look hard to see that God has made this good man or woman for you.

“And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him. A threefold cord is not easily broken.” In Ecclesiastes, God is reminding us that two bound together, with God as the third cord, is unbreakable. You have to keep God as the main cord if you want the cord to stand against what the world throws at you.

And finally, “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love can cover a multitude of sins.” Peter is reminding us that love is the glue. There will be times when his socks will be on the floor, day after day after day. Love him anyway. He will leave dishes in the sink. Love him anyway. He may spend more time with his friends than you want him to. Love him anyway.

As you start your life together, remember these words from God’s Word. Build your home on God and in God and that threefold cord will stand forever. Love with all that you have and show patience and kindness. Look for the good in all things.

God planned marriage. It is a God-ordained institution. A Godly marriage makes a difference. Not just in your life, but in the lives of all those around you.

By: Gina Caswell Kelly

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