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Artesia City Council Meeting Notes- 5/24/22

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Artesia Main Street submitted a request for a Third Thursday Event to be held throughout the summer known as “Hot Summer Nights.” The request to use city facilities received unanimous approval from the city councilors.
Department reports followed the request for city facilities. Jerry Conde, Human Resources Director, noted the recommendation from the mayor to hire a librarian. HR will accept the resignation of a utilities clerk as well.
Next, on the agenda included a special report by a local group representing the pickleball community of Artesia. The group explained the origins of the sport beginning with retirees but has expanded to younger populations as well in subsequent years. Pickleball courts are currently at Jaycee Park. Condition and safety of the courts was a topic of discussion. With resurfacing and updating, the pickleball group mentioned singles and doubles tournaments could be held for the benefit of the citizens of Artesia.  
After the pickleball group presented, committee reports began. Budget and Finance reported that at last week’s meeting they passed on the budget and resolved final issues. There will be a vote tonight on the budget.
In Personnel, Wade Nelson, reported that the committee met and had a special meeting on the 18th with Fire and Police. A committee report was submitted to the mayor regarding the meeting.
For the Government Committee, the report emphasized that they’re working on the library, airport, and Senior Center to get those rolling to include these groups in city discussions.
Next on the agenda, was the Approval of Resolution 1790 to amend certain job titles. Jerry Conde and Summer Valverde met to discuss positions like cashier levels who are performing similar duties. The resolution would amend the title of cashier to include clerk as well. “Doesn’t change pay grade just clarifies descriptions of positions,” according to Mayor Henry. 1790 was approved unanimously.
Next the council voted on a proposed 3% increase in salary across all departments, except police and fire, who already have a pay increase starting June 1st. The pay increase received unanimous approval. 
Chief Roberts of the Artesia Police Department stood for questions. He answered a question about a parked vehicle in the senior center which appears to be abandoned. Roberts mentioned that the city does not have an ordinance that restricts parking vehicles to a certain time frame. Mayor Henry added to discussion about having signage posted that lots are available at certain times of the day and unavailable at night. 
Chief Roberts reported on his recent trip to Washington to commemorate those officers lost on duty. He said that it seemed to be a a good experience for families to bring some closure to their unimaginable loss. He attended the state memorial as well in Santa Fe. 
Next, Chief Hope reported on the resolution of 1791 declaring extreme drought conditions in the city and restricting the sale of fireworks in the city of Artesia. This is a regular occurring resolution in times of drought he mentioned. If the council chooses to strictly enforce the firework restriction, the city will need help from the state police. Chief Roberts defers to the council’s choice on the level of enforcement. The resolution passed with approval by the council. 
In Infrastructure, Byron Landfair gave a few updates. He referred to the employee handbook for the description of who can take home vehicles. He’s looking to add a vehicle for use in the department. Recreation has a vehicle that sits at the Rec. Center now.  
For the Mayor’s part of the agenda, he brought up that the council has been looking for a way to be more effective in the hiring process. There’s a need across the departments to expedite the process. Department heads agreed to post openings immediately instead of waiting for approval from the council. 
Then, the council went into executive session. After returning to the regular council meeting, the council voted to fire someone and recreation for the city was discussed. Mayor Henry brought up the fact that surrounding communities offer far more weekly activities for citizens. The council discussed the possibility of an event planning committee as well. 

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