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2020 Census ending September 30th


The latest Census County report shows that New Mexico has a total Enumeration Rate of 91.5% (a combination of field visits and self reporting) with eight days remaining in the count.

Don’t miss the chance to shape your future—your response matters.

The 2020 Census is happening now. You can respond by phone, mail, or online at this link:

The census is mandated by the U.S. Constitution and happens once every 10 years.  It serves as a count of everyone living in the United Sates.  The census will take place from March 12th through July 2020.   In 2020, participation in the census will be more convenient than ever.  For most of New Mexico’s residents, the census can be completed online, over the phone, or on paper  —  all in the privacy of your own home.


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