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Southeast NM Community College Update


As our local college prepares for its upcoming transition into independence as Southeast New Mexico College, we all want to find ways to support this exciting process. CNB Bank is doing just that. The bank will now reimburse books and tuition for up to two classes per semester at our local college until further notice. The bank will continue to provide reimbursement for one class per semester for its employees at any other accredited college. This is a great idea and we hope other employers will do the same. Thank you to CNB President Jay Jenkins and his board for this decision. 

Southeast New Mexico College is also looking for community members to serve on a series of Program Advisory Boards to assist with the ongoing transition process. Volunteers are needed in the fields of business, science, surgical technology, health information technology, education and social sciences. For more information, please contact Dr. Andrew Nwanne at

One final way you can assist with the college is to participate in an upcoming survey. If you receive a phone call from someone wanting to ask you questions about our local college, please do not hang up. The information from this survey will help us move forward with the Higher Education Department. 

Even though the Governor has already signed the bill granting our college independence, New Mexico State University recently published the results of a study commissioned through the National Association of College and University Business Officers.  The results were extremely favorable for independence. “Given the past interaction and support for the Carlsbad Branch by the Main Campus resulting in the current state of affairs, the NACUBO consultants recommend independence for the Carlsbad location.” They also praised the close partnership in our community by noting “additionally, and of great importance, is the passionate support and positive working relationship between the Carlsbad Branch, the city and community.”  Let’s keep this momentum going. 

From the office of Mayor Dale Janway

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